My S.M.A.R.T Goal Reflection


Remember how at the beginning of the year, Mr.Watters announced we were going to start S.M.A.R.T goals (Specific, specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound). That is when it all began. 


Firstly, we need to know what my S.M.A.R.T goals were. I had 3:


  1. Speak and read Hebrew  with more confidence.
  2. Speak French with more confidence, and learn Dr. Mrs. Vandertramp (French concept)
  3. Get better at division and learn square roots.


Now I can tell you on how I did. I did pretty well, I speak Hebrew way more confidently, because of Israelis who come from Israel for a little, and I read better too. In French, I speak it more confidently and I know Dr. Mrs. Vandertramp I am also better at division and now know square root.


I am very proud of myself because I am able to talk Hebrew to a girl from Israel, I can do past tenses better in french, and I am in extended Math and competed in the a Gous gr.7 math contest.

See you later


המגרה השלישות של סבא

Hi guys.

Most of you must know יום השאר is coming up, so my class has started learning about this terrible time in Jewish history. In doing so we have been reading a story called המגרה השלישות של סבא, or in English Grandpa’s third drawer.

What has happened so far is there is this girl and she loves visiting her grandparents house, her grandpa had 3 drawers. The first draw has her crayons and pencils, the second has her grandfather’s old toys from when he was in Germany. His neighbour had promised to keep them until he returned. His third draw was off limits and was always locked. One day her grandparents were out, and she say the key sitting their so she opens it…

We were asked to write about what we thought was in the drawer. From evidence from the story I thought that -because he had a sister whom the girl had never seen before- he and his family had gone to an extermination camp. and I think that most of the stuff in his drawers were from the camp, these are the things I think would be in there:

  • His outfit her wore
  • His Yellow star that said Jude
  • And a lot of other things that he could have had during those horrendous years.


Those are the things I think.

I hope you like this post.


We Are Going To Learn Geometry!

Hello everyone,

Soon we will be learning GEOMETRY!

We were asked to write what geometry is, what I know, and what I want to learn

What Is Geometry?

Geometry is measuring shapes, angles and volume. Probably a bunch of other things too. I wanted to learn more about Geometry and its history so I searched it up… Geometry started in Egypt, so they could measure the sizes of pyramids. Soon it started picking up, and now look where we are.

What Do I Know?

I know it is measuring stuff, such as shapes, volume and angles.

What Do I Want To Learn?

I want to know who to measure angles and volume.

What was the website I used

I went on Kiddle and I found the website Twinkl

See you next time!

P.S My grandmother reads my blog and I know she will be proud of me as a high school math teacher! 😉


Generations Day And Remembrance Day

Hello everyone.

Today, May 13 we celebrated Remembrance Day with our grandparents. Today as it is known it is Israel Remembrance Day, but today OJCS added its own holiday known as Generations Day. Where grandparents come for an hour or two to hang out with their grand kids and have a blast with school related activities.

I met up with my dad and my dad’s parents, on a Goggle meeting, due to the fact that they are in Winnipeg. We participated on “How well do you know Israel Quiz” My dad was a big help because he had been to Israel so many times, I only went when I was a couple months old. We also participated in a Wordwall but did not get on the leader board. My friend Abby Kitty’s grandparents were unavailable so she hung out with us.

Before that there was a remembrance day assembly. There were guest speakers. I performed in a dance by a grade 7 student. There was singing too. The senior choir was so good. I had to wear all black, and I am still wearing it now, writing this blog post.

I had a lot of fun during generations day.

Here is a photo

Signing out


P.S Did you have fun during generations day? Write down in the comments!

Projet Vidéo Écran Vert


Après plusieurs semaines de travail sur notre maquette qui montrait plusieurs aspects de la vie quotidienne d’un groupe autochtone Les Cris, et après avoir fait l’enregistrement de nos lignes que chaque groupe devait apprendre par coeur, notre vidéo était prêt à visionner. 

Voici mes commentaires de ce que. J’ai aimé le renard parce que c’est moi qui l’a fait. Aussi, j’aimerais faire quelques suggestions pour améliorer ce projet si j’avais à le refaire. J’aurais du avoir l’air plus excitée.

Ci-dessous, vous trouverez le lien de notre projet de groupe sur les Cris:

Au revoir

My Spring/פסח Break In Figurative Language

Hello everyone. In class today we were asked to write a couple sentences about our break in figurative 
language. SO this is it. It is about my first day in Winnipeg


I first travelled to Winnipeg, we flew in an airplane. We were a bird flying bye.

Our flight was so  very early in the morning, so early birds hadn't even started to chirp.

Once we had arrived I saw my grandmother, She gave me the biggest hug in the world. 

We went out to lunch, I drank a lot of sprite, I was drinking like a camel who walked 10 000 000 miles. 

I went to see my grandma, she welcomed us with some chocolate, I gave her a humongous kiss.

Finally we went to a restaurant with my zady, I ate like a gorilla who hadn't eating in days.

I was so very tired, as tired as a dog after a 1000 mile walk. I fell right asleep. 

I slept as well as a bear in hibernation.


That was my first day in Winnipeg, I hope you liked it.
