March 21

Innovation Day Reflection

Hi, Everyone,

Today we presented our innovation day projects. If you have been keeping up with my blog you would have seen my first post about innovation day this year.


The Problem

Our main problem that was the hardest to solve was the water wheel. We had to try to make everything even and it wouldn’t stand. It was so hard to solve, but we did it. The real problem that we had to solve as a class in our little groups was this: How can we provide electricity to community outdoor spaces that still maintains the fun and safety aesthetics of the space?


Our Hypothesis

This is what our hypothesis is on our poster board. We hypothesize that combining solar energy and water energy can make an Amusement park with a waterslide and a rollercoaster. Our idea is that the water from a waterslide will enter a pool and go into a water energy wheel. The energy will go to the rollercoaster and 50% of the water from the energy wheel will go back on a conveyor belt using solar energy. The water will return to the slide ready for the next run.Guess what it all turned out so well!



Our material is pretty simple. We used

  1. Cardboard tubes
  2. Plastic food container
  3. Cardboard box
  4. Paper
  5. Tri-fold board
  6. Clay
  8. Glue guns




Everything went pretty well in our group. The main problem for us was communication. A member of my group and I were really good at doing this, except there was one person in our group who liked being with his friends and doing the work alone. The procedure to make it was okay. We probably could have done better with covering up the duct tape if we had enough time. We NEVER argued, everything was pretty easy rolling




My conclusion is I had an awesome time, it was really fun. I Can’t wait for next year. For next time I think I could do better at using less duct tape.[Or maybe cover it up]. To be honest we barely used any hot glue. Everything turned out well and happy in the end, and the presentation went almost perfect.

Signing out


February 27

My Stop Motion

Hi y’all 🤖

Today I am  going to be talking about my group’s stop motion project.

My group got asked to do a stop motion based on the book The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. What is stop motion???? Stop motion is basically you go on to a stop motion app and you take a bunch of pictures. The pictures you take become a video. My group worked on the scene where Roz fell off the tree and met Brightbill.

These are the pictures I used to help:

This is what is going to happen in in the scene

These are our goals

This is the task

The is what the set was going to look like

These is a pro guide to building Lego stop motion

This is using the stop motion app.

This is the skit

The is time to start filming!

This is about what is contained in your scene.


Stop Motion Video

This is our stop motion video:

My Self Assessment

This is my assessment:

This is the teamwork.

This is for the set.

Self Reflection

I liked it. I think I should do better is finding things for other people to do. I likes the building and recording. The app was good. Next time I want to know to do the prologue before doing the rest of the video.


Peace out



June 26

Pioneer Project

Hi today I will be talking about our class projects, pioneer village! I am a dressmaker with AbbyKitty. We each have names like Mary Chamberlain which is mine. I like being a dressmaker because I love making dresses. Did you know that people owned up to 2-4 clothes. Unlike now we have many. I have made dress forms for clothes. I really am having a lot of fun. We haven’t done much like acting or that stuff yet but I am really excited to do that stuff.

June 26

Season Poetry


           Holidays in winter

            No time to bicker

            There’s not enough time to get Sicker

            Chanukah, Christmas holidays are getting bigger 

            All of this is in winter

           All the fun is growing stronger

            oh I just love winter



Spring is a time for flowers to grow

The snow is about to go

The wind is starting to blow

The grass will need a mow

In spring you will need to spring

My sister’s birthday is in spring

In Fact it’s on the first day of spring



Summers at time when you will swim deep

Camp is about not getting any sleep

What about those sheep?

There is NO time to weep

So start the fun in the summer sun

At the beach

Remember those sheep



Leaves are falling 

Beauty is growing

nothing is really annoying 

Nothing is as a beauty like fall

Go to the mall

Just don’t fall

Just cause it’s fall 


June 26


In this blog post you will be learning things about dogs. The reason why I picked dogs is because I have a dog. 

Best Dogs For Kids

Dogs can be amazing at all things and if you have a kid a dog can be great for them. Having fun with your kid and your kid will have fun taking care of it. If you plan to get a dog or another dog look at these kinds of dogs.

       Here are some of the most popular dog breeds for kids:

  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  • Cavoodle
  • Cockapoo
  • Labrador Retriever 
  • Schnauzer
  • Pug
  • Golden Retriever
  • Poodle
  • Beagle

The best dogs for kids should be calm and be happy to be with the family. Having a dog can teach your child (Children) to do some chores like walking the dog and feeding the dog.

Some people want non shedding dogs.

Non Shedding Dogs

Non shedding dogs are a good thing. They don’t shed so your house barely has any fur around it! Here are some non shedding dogs:

  • Maltese
  • Cavoodle
  • Labrodoodle
  • Bedlington Terrier
  • Sealyham Terrier

Though some dogs shed less then others which makes them a non shedding dog no dog doesn’t shed, some just shed less. So if you are allergic I suggest you stay away


May 17

Kinds of Things I like to do

There are lots of kind things I do naming some:

  • Helping Ukraine:

Recently my neighbour and me have started a club called the Life Changers Club. Right now we are raising money for Ukraine, by making bracelets.

  • Going around the school giving people heart animals and food.

some of my friends went around the school brightening people’s spirits

Going around giving people self portraits of their self.
My and Chloe Cutie are giving self portraits of the teachers

I love being kind my motto for that is Kindness is perfect 👍 thanks for reading see you soon

April 27

What I Want To Be When I Grow Up

Hello. Today I will be talking about what I want to be when I grow up. I really wanted to be a Teacher, hairdresser and singer, Now I want to be an author. I love writing. You could see that if you look up on one of my blog posts.

Really I loved writing since I learned how to write. I am lucky because my next door neighbor wants to be a publisher so one step of my goal is complete. I love reading. You may be wondering why I wrote “I love reading” and that’s a great question. I wrote that because when your goal is to be a writer if you read lots of books 📕 you get a million IDEAS 💡  Me and My friend  are working on a series. I love really any kind of writing only if it is writing on paper 📝. Reading and writing are a perfect match. My mom is a journalist and she tells me things about writing. My favourite book is Happily Ever Afterlife Ghostcoming.

I like it because there is conflict and romance and funny bits and learning parts and fights. I love the writer Orli Zuravicky. I think she is a good role model to writers because she adds all the good stuff and I think that is what I should do If I become a writer. Writing is a good thing and a good skill. My neighbour, Mathilda wants to be a publisher so we have one problem solved! I have written so many stories that I wrote some on docs, some on slides and some on paper. I use writing if I have a stomach ache. Writing is my happy place. I am glad to have a mom who writes. Bye for now see you soon